Tony Forder
Irish haiku slideshow
Updated: Mar 16, 2024
(Read the full article of the pre-covid beer roadtrip to Ireland)
Failte to their beer
Slainte to their tradition
With new Irish tweaks
Rain, sleet, hail and snow
No wonder they like the pint
A thing of comfort
Like flowers of spring
Breweries keep on sprouting
In Ireland's green land
Can be slow to change
The tastes of an old nation
Slowly but surely
In the beery foam
Swirl Celtic mists of bygone time
Quenching memories
Ireland's small brewers
Build a foundation of craft
Solid and growing
Dark stouts and Red Ales
Pales, Porters, Lagers all brewed with
Irish malt and hops
Read the full article of the pre-covid beer roadtrip to Ireland.