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Knighthood of the Brewers Paddle

It was my honor this year to receive the Honorary Knighthood of the Brewers Paddle presented by the Belgian Brewers Guild, a tradition of over 200 years.

Special thanks to Chris Bauweraerts, founder of La Chouffe, for his friendship and encouragement, and to my knight sponsors Frank Boon and Olav Blancquaert.

Red robed knights parade through cobblestone streets of Brussels

Carrying the keg to the Cathedral

To be blessed by beer knighted bishop

Procession of knights and soon-to-be knighted

Follow trumpeters and marching band

To the Town Hall for some serious talks

About the importance of Belgian beer from various dignitaries

"I prefer beer to wine," states Belgium's Prime Minister

To thunderous applause

Belgian - best beer in the world says US Ambassador

All troop out of stuffy chambers to open the festival

Solemn inauguration of the beerstands by the Grand Master

Belgian Beer Week is on

Knights and friends have 2 hours to themselves

Before the public floods the Place

Saturday is the turn for around the world knighthoods

Recognition for support of Belgian beer, 75% of which is exported

Welcomed as Honorary Knights of the Brewers Mash Paddle

Myself included for years of bringing American beer lovers to Beer Paradise

Italians, Swedish, British, Irish, and Americans 6

Including well-known face of US craft, Brooklyn's Garrett Oliver

Suddenly drawn in and wrapped in hundreds of years tradition

Congratulations, toasts, photos, celebrations

Some 24 new Knights this year due to 2-year Covid wait

And back to the beer fest, 50 breweries, 400 beers

All served in miniature logoed glasses

Beer tourists and locals mingle in the Grand Place

As the ancient buildings echo beer chatter

Mixed with roving New Orleans jazz band sound

And the sun brightly splashes gold-plated spires of yesterday and today

– Tony Forder

Some photos provided by:

© Chevalerie du Fourquet des Brasseurs – Photographe : Lander Loeckx

1 Comment

Jeannine Marois
Jeannine Marois
Sep 29, 2022

Bravo !

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