- Tony Forder
Ode to Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Updated: Feb 1, 2023
Spoken Word
Back in the murky mists of time
Beasts and primates were pounding pools
Of randomly found wild fermentations
Tree frogs taking their nightly fix from fermented flower juice
Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Brettanomyces
Working magic, providing the elixir of life
Fast forward to the modern era
Yea, past the beginnings of civilizations
Call it brewing, nomads settling down to farm and brew
Chinese, Mesopotamians, Aztec, Incas, Mayans
Egyptians, Etruscans, Druids, all with their own fermented beverages
Anno Domini - herbal ales, psychotropic gruits
Medieval times, beer safer than water to drink
Godisgoode, yes Godisgoode
The industrial revolution, more beer for the masses
The 20th century, dialing down ingredients for the bottom line
Does Saccharomyces mind that its fuel is not all barley and malt
The very meat of the beer
But watered down with corn and rice
Its secretions becoming bland
Does the yeast mind that its joyful feasts are mostly now enclosed?
Except in places where the wildness is still embraced
Perhaps the yeast does not care on what it feasts
But its evolutionary partner does — us
Awakened from the dark night of American beer
When blandness walked the land
Gradually more and more persons
Peaked through the cloying curtain of light pilsner
And saw and tasted other flavors in other countries
Saccharomyces whispered in the ears of hippies and self-sustaining types
Make your own, brew your own beer
Homebrewing opened the Pandora's box of beer styles
Rich ambers, hoppy pilsners, porters, stouts and barleywines
Yes, beer can come in more than one description
Cerevisiae clapped its hands as buds of flavor
Sprouted in the barren landscape of beer
Homebrewing pioneers piecing together the first modern microbreweries
A labor of love at first
Gradually gaining strength
Overcoming the powers that be
Wrestling off the death grip of big beer
That would choke this infant at birth
Gaining respect and a place at the table
Powered by an unstoppable force — evolution
Co-evolution with Saccharomyces
Humans set themselves apart when they began to cook
Less chewing, more thinking
Brains enlarged, stomachs shrank
Way before the clay pots came for brewing
Harnessing the powerful force of Saccharomyces
Or did the yeast harness us to do its work?
To help it propogate, as it must
For what are we but ambulatory devices
Hosts for untold yeasts and bacterias
If so, we might as well enjoy the ride, eh?
Doing the dance with yeast
Evolution, unleashing the palate of these New Burgundians
Food and flavor, beer and beatitude
The music is cranked, the dance grows faster
Beer and breweries sprouting everywhere
Saccharomyces Cerevisiae never had it so good
In so many places, with so many people
The ultimate collaboration
Godisgoode, yes godisgoode.
TLK – 2015